Here are just a few of the projects I have done over the years.
Time to revisit my fuel injection hacking project to see what Moore's Law could do for me.
This project combines a low power SparkFun Artemis compute module with the current sensor from the Well Pump project, adds a LoRa radio, and gets topped off with a dash of PCB art.
A.K.A. "How One Cool Idea Took Up The Next Six Years of My Life"
Sometimes, a project can be both fun and practical. Who knew?
A water leak detection computer for my home's well-based water system, accomplished by venturing into the very scary worlds of analog electronics and Spice.
Wait, another one? What makes it so special?
Demonstrating that even the simplest project can be hugely useful...
It's not all about electronics! Some times, you just gotta bend some metal.